Wandering Pinoy in the Big City - Wandering Pinoy

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Wandering Pinoy in the Big City

After a couple of weeks of “not blogging” due to my recent movement here in Makati, I’m back again and I feel extremely awesome. Haha! And guess what’s the latest about me? Umm…aside from gaining six kilograms in just a month [I’m still fit though. My BMI is normal], I also did a lot of stuff despite the ongoing training in my current workplace. Here are the things that I did these past few weeks:

My new Burnham Park is Bonifacio High Street.
1. Eat and eat. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do when you’re not doing anything or, perhaps, when boredom strikes you is eat – aside from sleeping and/or travelling to unknown places. As a matter of fact, you’ll eat more if you’ve got someone in your unit who cooks very well. Good food means good appetite.
Lunch with new found friends. In this photo: Japy, Chad, Tere, Mel and Yours Truly.

2. Wall climbing. One of the things that I’ve always wanted to do is “wall climb” so it’s good that there’s wall climbing activity at Market Market. Although my first attempt to climb was “a fail” because my knees shivered, I managed to finish Level 3 climb on my second attempt. [Of course with sweat all over me plus an aching arms.] Congratulations to me!

Lunch with friends at Kenny Rogers Market Market. In this photo: Amos, Yours Truly, Japy, Normie and Cliff.

3. Eat with new found friends. 

Wall climbing at the Basekamp at Market Market with my good friend Amos. 
4. Groufie - courtesy of Japy's phone. :)

5. Davao escapade. Despite my busyness because of the training, I still manage to visit Davao. Finally! Haha! I’ve previously booked trips [with the “s”] but I ended up cancelling them because of my responsibilities at my previous company. Click here to view my blog about my recent Davao escapade.

6. Shop.
A simple birthday celebration with Tere.

7. Spent my birthday at Star City. My happiest birthday so far. Imagine me in my birthday doing those rides. 8. Double birthday celebration with Theresa.

The list is actually almost endless so I've decided to mention seven stuff only. I'll write more about my most recent activities anytime soon.

By the way, contrary to what I previously thought and what other people say, my stay in Makati and Taguig has been extremely awesome. The “traffic” and the flood which somehow prevented me from relocating to the “big city” back then does not exist from where I stay to my current workplace. Add to this the extremely awesome JP Morgan….what I mean is it’s just extremely awesome that my current company is paying me well and they’re taking care of me not to mention the state of the art facilities, technology and amenities and world-class trainers.

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