Isla Higantes Iloilo 2015 Year-end Escapade - Wandering Pinoy

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Monday, December 28, 2015

Isla Higantes Iloilo 2015 Year-end Escapade

I spent my 2014 year-end escapade in Banaue-Bontoc-Sagada-Baguio with newly found European friends Susan and Ian and, although I had challenges “commuting” due to the influx of both local and foreign tourists, still, it was an absolutely unforgettable experience. Fact is, it was one of the best solo escapades I ever had and undeniably one of the reasons why I love revisiting Sagada.

Yours Truly with Amos and Theresa at famous Cabugay Gamay Island.
My 2015 year-end escapade, on the other hand, was a bit different from my 2014 year-end escapade. Instead of travelling solo – which I normally do to find inner peace and adventure and pleasure – I travelled with my long time travel buddies Amos and Theresa and with my friends at work Mel and Chad and with new found friends Kelvin, Che, Regina and Len. It was absolutely the best group travel I ever had and, like I always say, the trip is undeniably worth blogging for.

I’ll have a detailed blog about our escapade soon. For now, enjoy the photos below taken from our Isla Higantes Iloilo 2015 year-end escapade.

Pre-departure groufie at Ninoy Aquino Inernational Airport 3 with Yours Truly (clockwise) , Theresa, Amos, Mel, Chad, Regina, Kelvin and Che. Missing in action: Len. We met her in Iloilo. She's from Davao,
First time to travel via motor boat at night. It was a total adventure! 
Day 2: Ready for our island hopping.
At the sand bar at Bantigue Island.

The boat ride.
At Tangke. 
Full force. In this photo: (l-r) Len, Mel, Tere, Kelvin, Regina, Chad, Che, Yours Truly and Amos.
Sunrise by the lighthouse. 
At Pawikan Cave.
Big thanks Gigantes Hideaway Resort for accommodating us! 

Watch out for the detailed blog entry about our 2015 year-end escapade. Happy New Year to all!

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