Snapshots From Q1 The Luau Party - Wandering Pinoy

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Snapshots From Q1 The Luau Party

Missed the party? Worry not! Here are some of the photos taken at the recently concluded Luau Party for Q1:

QA Team with OM Myles. In this photo: Front (l-r): Japy, Arjay and Theresa. Back (l-r): Yours Truly, Aaron, Lourdes, Lou, OM Myles and Vida. 
A luau  is a traditional Hawaiian party done outdoors that is usually accompanied by entertainment. Originally from Hawaii, the concepts of "luau" and "party" are often blended, resulting in graduation luaus, wedding luaus, and birthday luaus.

With our Fashionista contenders!  In this photo: Japy, Theresa, Yours Truly and Lourdes. 
With my "sibs." In this photo: Yours Truly, Arjay, Verlin, Theresa, Jacky and Joanne. 
Yup, that's me during our cluster performance. I swear, dancing is one of my weaknesses. Hahahaha!
Our gorgeous OMs. Ehem! In this photo: Jade, Rowell and Jeff. Wanna guess who's the hottest? Hmmm, I have one in my mind but I won't tell. Hahaha! 
Our phenomenal Director of Operations Ryan G talking about the "f words." :)
Our Senior Operations Manager Mylon V delivering his speech. 
Sweet smiles from our Escalations Team. In this photo: Ace, Abby, Shane, Mary, Francis, OM Jade, Kristine, Maricris and Mirasol. Go Fab Team!!! Tatakbo lang si Ace? Hahaha!!!
Cool in white! In this photo: Rovinson, Boss V and OM Myles. 
The "Fabest Leaders" with OM Myles. In this photo: OM Jade, Coach Carren, Coach Ferds, Coach Ace and OM Myles. 
...and the champion in the Cluster Presentation is.....the Quality Team! With my "sibs" after the announmcnt. In this photo: front (l-r): Jacky, Verlin, Ces, Lou, Aaron and Arjay. Back (l-r): Japy, Lourdes, Yours Truly, Theresa, Davis, Rodney and Joanne. Missing in action: Boss V and Booblet.
Big thanks to OM Jade for the photos!!!

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