The Escalations Team Recognition Day - Q1 - Wandering Pinoy

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Monday, March 31, 2014

The Escalations Team Recognition Day - Q1

The first-ever Escalation Team recognition Day Q1 was definitely a success. We had fun and I'm pretty glad that I learned something about "the other side of the Tier 2s." They are definitely jolly and fun to be with. :) Anyway, big thanks to Boss Jade for conceptualizing the event, to the Coaches who have been very supportive and to the all Tier 2s for making it possible. My blog today is dedicated to the Escalations Team - the team which I have learned to "love" and have given my respect the moment I was assigned as Quality Analyst for the desk September of last year.

Full force: Yours Truly  with the Escalations Team. Front: Joseph, Yours Truly, Linda. Second row: Beverly, Mary Ann, Nhormie, Coach Ace, OM Jade, Coach Ferds, Coach Carren, Jeraldine and Imogene. Third Row: Jan, Francis, Gracielle, Donna and John. Last Row: Alvin, Timothy, Rtichelle, Kristine, April and Lota. Other Tier 2s were not able to join. 
United we stand, divided we fall. Yours Truly with Coach Ferds, Coach Carren, Coach Ace and OM Jade. 
Yours Truly with Team Ferds.
With Team Ferds Part II
Yours Truly with Team Carren.
Yours Truly with Team Ace.
Top in Quality. Never mind if I'm "sleepy." Lol! In this photo: OM Jade, Coach Carren, Coach Ace, Lianne, Nhormie, Yours Truly, Jan and Coach Ferds. 
FCR, CSAT, QA and Leadership Excellence awardees in full force. Other awardees are not in photo.  Front: April, Linda, Francis and Jan. Back: Coach Ace, Kristine, Lota, Coach Carren, OM Jade, Mary Ann, Nhormie, Mary and Coach Ferds. 
Let the game begin. It's guessing time. Congratulations Team Carren for winning the game. 
Big thanks to OM Jade for the other photos.

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