Under the Tree: Books + Coffee and Tea - Wandering Pinoy

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Under the Tree: Books + Coffee and Tea

My initial reaction when we entered Under the Tree, a "bookcafe" located at Baden Powell Hotel," was "Hmmm...I didn't know that this exists. Thanks Theresa for the invite." Because I'm an occasional "book-lover", I've quickly developed "love" for the place although I must tell you honestly that I didn't like their hot choco "that much" - perhaps because it's too sweet for my taste buds. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Aaron and Theresa enjoyed their tea and the "books."

Are you one of them? I didn't ask the cashier what's this for but if I'm not mistaken these are for the cafe's members. They've got pictures as well as contact numbers on the board. Some are good-looking.

Books on shelf. You can choose from a variety of books inside the cafe. In this photo: Twilight and Harry Potter books. You must see the place if you haven't read these books yet - but a cup of coffee or tea isn't enough for you to finish reading the entire book. Lol!

Guess who? That's me pretending to read a Korean book. How I wish I know "some Korean." Hahaha!

Book hunting! That's my fellow Quality Analyst Aaron looking for some "good books." I mean...good magazines! Hahahaha!

Are you Under the Tree? This is the entrance of Under the Tree BookCafe. Isn't it great? Under the Tree BookCafe is located at #26 Baden Powell Inn, Governor Pack Rd., 2600 Baguio City.

Wifi zone! If you love tweeting or facebooking while drinking your favorite coffee or tea or while reading Homer's books, then, I strongly recommend that you visit Under the Tree. It's perfect for internet junkies! 

That's Aaron and Theresa. If you think they look haggard in this photo, then, you are correct. I myself was also haggard. Imagine these: joined the morning exercise at Burnham Park for an hour, breakfast at Jollibee, waited at PhilHealth for an hour or so for Theresa's prize (she won third prize in the PhilHealth Run 2013 raffle and she got a brand new tablet), walked from Lower Session Road to Baden Powell Inn at Upper Session Road. Who do you think won't be haggard? Hahaha!

Are you tired of the same old coffee shop? Visit Under the Tree BookCafe at  #26 Baden Powell Inn, Governor Pack Road here in Baguio City - near Victory Liner station. Like Under the Tree BookCafe on Facebook. Click here. 

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