We Conquered the PhilHealth-DOH Nationwide Fun Run 2013 - Wandering Pinoy

Wandering Pinoy

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Monday, February 18, 2013

We Conquered the PhilHealth-DOH Nationwide Fun Run 2013

Guess what? We just conquered the PhilHealth-DOH Nationwide Run 2013 held here in Baguio City and I finished 18 kilometers! Fact is, I ranked 204th out of 700+ participants in our division and I finished the run in two hours. (I think this is achievement given the fact that it's my first time to join 18K division. Hahaha!). Awesome indeed!

Photo-shoot after the run! I'm with my running buddies and fellow QAs Leah and Theresa. Both of them joined the run -5K division. In my case, I joined 18K division and it was my first time.

Leah, Theresa and Alyssa , Theresa's sister who's currently studying at Saint Louis University, also joined the run -5K division. We also spotted some of our workmates but we didn't have time to chat with each other - Vic and Carl from Workforce and Coach Ferdz also joined the run.

According to the event's host, there were more than 4000 participants in the run and it's the second biggest running event in Baguio City. The run which was held simultaneously in major cities here in the Philippines aims to promote "women and children protection." Additionally, "PhilHealth also aims to rally the entire nation as it helps stage a push towards bringing universal health care a reality. With universal coverage, every Filipino, regardless of status, is given the financial access and support to quality health care and services."

Special thanks to Gatorade for keeping me "energized" during and after the run. Gatorade is scientifically formulated to help replace what you lose when you sweat.. By providing fluids and electrolytes to promote complete rehydration and carbs to refuel working muscles, Gatorade helps you keep going longer and stronger. No other beverage rehydrates, replenishes and refuels active bodies like Gatorade, the official drink of the NBA!!!

My overall comment for the run? It was excellent! The pre-race and post-race program was organized pretty well.

Our new running buddy! I'm with Alyssa, Theresa's sister who's currently studying at Saint Louis University. Photo taken after claiming our "Pick-A-Prize" prize courtesy of RiteMed! 

Our next run is "Brent Run" by Brent International School here in Baguio City slated on March 17th. See you guys there. By the way, I haven't blogged yet about our great Sagada escapade. I sure will once photos are uploaded. Stay tuned!

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