Did Samsung Pay Apple 5 Cents Coins? - Wandering Pinoy

Wandering Pinoy

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Did Samsung Pay Apple 5 Cents Coins?

I was Facebooking when I saw an article shared by a friend and it's called 'Samsung Pays Apple $1 Billion Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins' by Paperblog. The said article pointed out that Samsung paid Apple "a total of 20 billion coins." Qouting from the article: "more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California...to pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way."

Did Samsung really pay 20 billion 5 cents for the fine? The answer is NO! Tim Schiesser wrote: "unfortunately if Samsung ever gets around to paying the $1bn fine - after all we know this will be appealed into oblivion - it'll probably be through a boring wire transfer." The Guardian also added: "Samsung's fine ($1.049bn) isn't yet payable; the judge hasn't ruled. All we have is the jury's verdict. The judge's decision, which could include a tripling of the fine, is due on 20 September (or possibly 6 December now; it's unclear). Until then, Samsung only has to pay its lawyers. That should be less than $1bn." Techspy also confirmed that Samsung did not pay coins to Apple.

It was identified that this humor originated from a "just for fun" site called 9gag. Photo credit here.

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