Random Snapshots: Coach 102 Training - Wandering Pinoy

Wandering Pinoy

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Random Snapshots: Coach 102 Training

Our five-day training in Coach 102 is officially over and, as usual, I've decided to blog about it today. There were only six of us in the class - seven including Sir Nani - but it was great, and just like in my previous "trainings" we all learned a lot from it. What we learned in the training is something that we can apply not only at work but also outside work. Anyway, here are some of the photos taken during and after the training.

Photo-shoot after graduation with my "classmates" and trainer. From left to right: Marse, Coach Michelle, Me, Sir Nani, Coach Dennis, Coach Sandra and Coach Migs. Coach 102 is all about "Building Effective Teams."

At Volante Baguio-Ayala Land Technohub at Camp John Hay after the training. From left to right Coach Michelle Bacani, Coach Dennis Manangan, Coach Sandra Fangyan, Coach Michelle Flores and me. I had Fish and Chips, Hot Choco and extra rice for breakfast." Volante Baguio Technohub is open 24 hours daily.

Me at the Baguio-AyalaLand TechnoHub in Camp John Hay. Good thing Volante is open 24 hours. Personally, I find the TechnoHub great. They've got Brothers Burger, Army Navy, Yellow Cab, Everything Nice, Starbucks, Volante, Nail House and a lot more.

"Acting lang." Me inside the leadership training room acting like I'm discussing something. Haha! Thanks to Marse for taking the photo using her Canon DSLR. Hehe!

Day 2 with our trainer. From left to right: Marse, Me, Coach Sandra Fangyan, Sir Nani Pepi, Coach Michelle Flores and Coach Michelle Flores. Missing in action: Deniss Manangan because he took the photo for us.

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