Don't Be Fooled by Facebook Verification Spam - Wandering Pinoy

Wandering Pinoy

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Don't Be Fooled by Facebook Verification Spam

One of my fellow Quality Analysts instant messaged me yesterday and she asked me if I already tried the new Facebook account verification process. I only managed to respond to her message earlier today. I told her "No, I haven't. It's a scam."

The new Facebook Verification spam went viral last week of May or probably a week before. The spam says: “WARNING : Announcement From FACEB00K Verification Team. All Profiles Must Be Verified Before 10th June 2012 To Avoid Scams and Scams Under SOPA ACT.The Unverfied Accounts Will Be Terminated. Verfiy Your Accounts By Below Steps.”

Clicking the wall post link takes you to the following Facebook application installation screen:

Clicking “Allow” will give the permissions shown above to the scammer. The application will be able to post to Facebook as you. This will allow them to spam their scam messages to all of your friends. This scam also tags your friends in the Wall Post. Please don't be fooled by the new Facebook verification spam!

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