Jessica Sanchez Performs Fallin' by Alicia Keys - Wandering Pinoy

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jessica Sanchez Performs Fallin' by Alicia Keys

American Idol Jessica Sanchez performed "Fallin' by award-winning singer Alicia Keys in the recently concluded "Then and Now" top 7 performances but will it save her from falling next elimination? After her performance, Steven said "everyone in America now knows how you can sing, as if they didn't already," but will Americans vote for her? Watch her perform in this video courtesy of YouTube.

Laura Prudom of Huffington Post wrote: "I'm still utterly baffled that Jessica was in the bottom three last week. I'm hoping it was just a case of the audience thinking that she was so good, they didn't need to bother voting for her. If that's not the case, she'll end up back at the bottom this week and the judges won't be able to save her this time around, so tomorrow night's results should be interesting. In any case, this was classic Jessica -- demonstrating the purity of her tone, her enviable control and the sultry depths of her range. For me, the song itself is so overplayed that I tend to get bored by it when it inevitably appears during every talent contest, but she knows exactly how to nail her notes."

My thoughts: I love Jessica's performance last night but will she be part of the bottom three again? By the way, Colton's my favorite but I don't like his rendition of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance during the American Idol top 7 (again) performance. I wonder if he'll be part of the bottom three! Jessica and Colton are my favorites so I'll be terribly sad if they'll be part of the bottom three! Your thoughts?

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