The Great Escapade to Pugo Adventure on the Day I Resigned - Wandering Pinoy

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Friday, July 3, 2015

The Great Escapade to Pugo Adventure on the Day I Resigned

July 1, 2015 is definitely memorable for me not only because I resigned from my work (after more than 5 years of service) but also because of our great escapade to Pugo Adventure right after our last shift. I was with Amos and Brenda. Wynn, my good friend, was not able to join us because she's afraid of heights and she needs to take care of Cezka. Brenda, on the other hand, was my colleague in the Quality Department, and it's just lately that she's joining us.
Yours Truly with my good friend Amos. 
From Baguio City, we took an ordinary Victory Liner bus, left past 12 noon and we arrived in Pugo before one. Fare, as of this writing, is Php42.00. Anyway, I'm extremely busy right now preparing my stuff before I go to Taguig for a new career, so I'll post here some of the photos taken during our PUGAD escapade. Big thanks to Amos for some of the photos.

In this photo: Yours Truly, Brenda and Amos. So far, this is one of my favorite photos taken at PUGAD. The view is grand. I feel like I'm in a foreign land. Lol! Photo courtesy of my good friend Amos. 
Amazing isn't it? We spent most of our time swimming at the pool. It was fun. Photo courtesy of my good friend Amos.
At the kiddie pool during our ocular inspection. 
It's Kayaking time! Look who's standing!
At the hanging bridge. 
The Pugad Adventure endorsers! Lol! Anyway, a little display of skin won't hurt anyone. In this photo: Yours Truly and my good friend Amos. Photo taken before we hit the pool. 
As a budget travelers, we made sure that we didn't spend a lot. Here's an overview of our expenses:
  • Lunch - Php150.00/head (We didn't have choice but to eat at the resto in Pugad. If you're planning to go to Pugad, make sure you eat first. Food is pricey.)
  • Entrance fee (includes unlimited pool usage)
  • Kayaking - Php50.00
  • Fare - Php42.00 one- way fare via Victory Liner
  • Tryke Fare to and from Pugad - Php10.00/head
Pugo Adventure also known as PUGAD is located in Pugo, La Union. For inquiries and details,please call 0917 506 6931 or like Pugad's Facebook Fanpage.

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