Run for Mother Nature: Run for Trails 2014 by UP Baguio Mountaineers - Wandering Pinoy

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Run for Mother Nature: Run for Trails 2014 by UP Baguio Mountaineers

"In 2003, the UP Baguio Mountaineers (UPBM) successfully pioneered the first trail running event in the city, in hopes that the public may find the outdoors as an alternative venue for leisure and sustainable activity. Since then, it has become a patronized annual event in Baguio City. This year will be its eleventh anniversary. The UPBM hopes that the Run for Trails 2014 will serve as both an advocacy for environmental consciousness and a gentle reminder that trail running is more than just a sport.

"This year, the event’s theme is Run for Trails 2014: Run for Mother Nature. The event is a great opportunity to honor one of the most neglected mothers, Mother Nature.

"According to statistics, a huge percentage of running events in the Philippines involves trails, but many organizers are careless in executing these trail running events, causing a huge and harmful impact on the environment. The UPBM hopes to prompt participants and organizers alike to be more mindful when carrying out and joining such events by hosting a trail run that is 100% environment-friendly. It is not enough to just appreciate the trails we run in. We must also be conscious about keeping them pristine."

The registration booth is located at the University of the Philippines Baguio woods, at the kiosk nearest to the UP main gate.The registration booth is located at the University of the Philippines Baguio woods, at the kiosk nearest to the UP main gate."

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