How To Become The Most Hated Person On Facebook - Wandering Pinoy

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Become The Most Hated Person On Facebook

I was "bloghopping" earlier when I saw an article  written by Calypso Alaia called "How To Become The Most Hated Person On Facebook." According to her, here are the things that you should do to become the most hated person on Facebook:

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1. Join a Networking Business and post about how rich you are, post endless pictures of herbal products, beauty soaps, slimming products or any new business online opportunity and tag your friends daily--- be as friendly as you can and message random people on Facebook.

2. Say "Hi" to your elementary, high school or college friends, workmates or a bunch of people you have never met and act like you care about them--and then after talking to them for several minutes present your networking business.

3. Post in all FB groups that you are included in, and post as many posters as you can about the new product you are selling. In fact, post every day even in Facebook groups that are supposed to be for environmental advocacy or political debates.

 4. Fake your Facebook enthusiasm post every day, tell them how rich you are right now and how great your networking partners are in business but never respond if people will borrow money from you--even during emergency cases.

5. Post that you are hiring part time workers or you have a job opportunity and the ask them to join your networking business instead of offering an actual job.

Calypso further pointed out, "We all have that kind of friend, the one who suddenly thinks they can fool people into thinking that they are millionaires -or that they are earning real cash."

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