Welcome on Board: Our Logos Hope Floating Book Fair Escapade Part II - Wandering Pinoy

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Welcome on Board: Our Logos Hope Floating Book Fair Escapade Part II

After some photo shoots at the Lifeboat's Theatre, we immediately proceeded to the Book Fair where more than 5000 book titles are on sale. Because I love classic books, I went to the Classic Books section and fortunately I found David Copperfield written by my favourite Victorian novelist Charles Dickens. It was sold for Php150.00 (150 units). I also had the book signed by Frank Chen, a Taiwanese crew member.

Stolen shot at the Logos Hope book store. The book store has more than 5000 book titles.
With my travel buddies Theresa and Leah. I bought Charles Dickens David Copperfield sold for Php150.00
At the Cash Deck waiting for the my turn to pay my book, my Logos Hope pen and my Logos Hope puzzle ship. I had Frank Chen from Taiwan sign the book. 
We stayed at the book store for approximately two hours and, after paying the books and souvenirs at the Cash Deck, we went to the International Cafe and we had popcorn and ice cream for "merienda." While eating, I also started reading my newly purchased book by Dickens. Our experience at the cafe was fantastic and I even told Theresa and Leah that I feel like I'm travelling in a foreign shore. I think I mentioned Netherlands.

That's me and Theresa at the Logos Hope International Cafe. I started reading my newly purchased David Copperfield book by Charles Dickens while eating pop corn and ice cream. Reading books reminds me of my old UP days. Lol!
At the Cafe, we learned that there will be a cultural  show at the ship's theatre so we decided to stay for two more hours. We waited, and at exactly two in the afternoon, the theatre was opened for the the "Around the World" presentation. I was the first to enter the theatre. Next was Theresa, and then, Leah came in third.

At the Logos Hope Theatre. On stage: Matthew and a South Korean volunteer performing Falling Slowly. 
The presentation showcased the the unique culture of each  participating country. We were introduced to countries like Switzerland, Germany and South Africa to name a few. Of all the presentation, we enjoyed Samuel's a lot. Samuel is from South Africa and we were amazed on how he presented his native country to us. We definitely learned a lot from him. I also like Noemi from Holland. She was very helpful "preparing" my "Middle East costume."

Leah and Theresa with a German crew member.
Leah and Theresa with a Russian.
Theresa with a Canadian. He was the "host" of the presentation. 
That's me with Theresa and Noemi. Noemi is from Holland. 
Theresa with a Canadian. 
That's me and Theresa with a crew member from Switzerland.
With Samuel from South Africa. We learned a lot from him about South Africa. 
At the entrance of Logos Hope Theatre with a South Korean national.
At the Information Desk inside the book store with a crew member from Germany. 
Aside from learning the culture of each country introduced to us, we also had the privilege to wear each respective countries national costume and/or native costume. Lucky are the ladies because the costumes are "mostly for them."

View outside the International Cafe. 
A short performance also took place at the theatre. Mattew from Ireland and a volunteer from South Korea perfomed a soulful rendition of "Falling Slowly" by Glen Hansard. Their performance was great which is no wonder why the crowd was amazed. After the performance, the host - I think he's from Canada - told us that the "show is over." Unfortunately, we had no option but to leave the ship.

Theresa and Leah with Logos Hope performers Matthew (from Ireland) and  a volunteer from South Korea. Sorry I forgot her name. They performed "Falling Slowly" by Glen Hansard. 
It was hot when we stepped out of the ship but it didn't matter at all. What mattered most is the unique experience that we had at Logos Hope which will last a lifetime....

Time to say good bye! Bye Logos Hope! 
From Poro Point, we rode a jeepney going to town and, from town, we rode a tricycle going to Halo-halo de Iloko where we had Beef Kare-kare and Sisig for late lunch. We also tried their famous "halo-halo." After lunch, we rode a tricycle again going to town, then, we left San Fernando via air-conditioned bus past five in the afternoon. We arrived in Baguio past seven in the evening.

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