The Great Escape To Sierra Vista Beach Resort Part II - Wandering Pinoy

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Great Escape To Sierra Vista Beach Resort Part II

As promised in my entry yesterday, I will be posting here the additional photos taken during our "escapade" at Sierra Vista Beach Resort in San Fabian, Pangasinan a few days ago. I'm glad that my fellow Quality Analyst, Erl, uploaded the photos yesterday on his Facebook account; otherwise I won't be blogging about it today - reblogging to be precise. Here are the additional (selected) photos taken at SVBR:

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the "cutest" of them all? Yours truly with my fellow QAs based in Sitel Baguio - Site 3. From left to right: Erl Lrdizabal, Kenneth Cera,  David Laforteza and yours truly.

We stayed at one of these nipa/cogon houses - at cottage number 15 to be precise. The place is perfect for escapades and getaways! Try it now! Sierra Vista Beach Resort is located at San Fabian, Pangasinan.

US again! From left to right: Kenneth Cera, Erl Lardizabal, Yours Truly and David Laforteza. We're all awesome! Lol! Who's your bet?

With my fellow Quality Analysts. From left to right: Arjay Cortez, Kenneth Cera, Yours Truly and Lourdes Yabut. We're on our way back to the cottage after visiting the beach! Oh by the way, the beach is so amazing.
It's time to explore the sea! It's "boating" time. With my fellow QAs Arjay Cortez and Lourdes Yabut. Kenneth and Erl also joined us but, unfortunately, they were not included in this photo.

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