Random Snapshots: Coach Blitz Training - Wandering Pinoy

Wandering Pinoy

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Random Snapshots: Coach Blitz Training

"Don't demand perfection, demand passion" - these are the words of Sir Nani that still reverberate in my head. Indeed, no one in this world is perfect and, therefore, demanding perfection is insanity - we cannot demand for something that doesn't exist and will never exist.

Yours truly after the training. No, I'm not discussing anything here. We had this photo taken after our training. But, of course, the visuals that you see are our own works and we were the ones who discussed these during the training.

Me at Site 2 reception area. Because I want something for blogging purposes, I asked my fellow Quality Analysts Ces Santos to take a photo of me at the reception area. Thanks Ces!

The "executive pose" according to Ces. This photo was taken at Site 2's reception area and behind me are the various awards and recognition garnered by Sitel Baguio - Site 2. Special thanks again to Ces for taking the photo.

Our Coach Blitz training was only five days but, to tell you honestly, I've learned a lot from it. I learned a lot of new things that I can apply not only at work but also in my day-to-day existence and struggle.

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