Introducing Heaven Leaf Tea Cafe - Wandering Pinoy

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Introducing Heaven Leaf Tea Cafe

Beverages are extremely common all over the world and tea is one beverage which in its various forms is one of the most consumed beverages of the world. Be it hot or iced tea, the popularity is the same. Because of popular demand "tea houses" have sprouted like mushrooms all over the world - including my beloved City, the City of Pines!

Today, I officially introduce and promote "Heaven Leaf Tea Cafe." They officially opened on October 14, 2012 and they are located at Pines Arcade, Lower Session Road, Baguio City! Isn't this a good news to all "tea-lovers" here in Baguio City?

Studies of humans, animals, and petri-dish experiments show that tea is high beneficial to our health. Research suggests that regular tea drinkers -- people who drink two cups or more a day -- have less heart disease and stroke, lower total and LDL cholesterol, and recover from heart attacks faster. There's also evidence that tea may help fight ovarian and breast cancers.

Tea also helps soothe stress and keep us relaxed. One British study found that people who drank black tea were able to de-stress faster than those who drank a fake tea substitute. The tea drinkers had lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

Heaven Leat Tea Cafe is open from Monday to Sunday from 9:30 am to. 8:30 pm. To learn more about them, kindly like their Facebook Fanpage. So what are you waiting for? Invite your friends and enjoy a relaxing "tea experience" only at Heaven Leaf Tea Cafe! (Note: Photo taken from Heaven Leaf Tea official Facebook Fanpage.)

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