When Boredom Strikes, We Strike Back - Wandering Pinoy

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When Boredom Strikes, We Strike Back

Being bored is possibly one of the worst ways to spend any given amount of time. However, with a little bit of imagination and some boredom you can turn some unproductive time into some pointless yet productive time. "Boredom makes people long for different and purposeful activities, and as a result they turn towards more challenging and meaningful activities, turning towards what they perceive to be really meaningful in life," said Van Tilburg. And sometimes when boredom strikes, we strike back. Here's the result of my boredom:

These past few days I've been thinking of doing a part-time modelling job and I don't understand why. I've got "I-wanna-be-a-model" mindset for the past few days which is probably the impact of...hhmmm...never mind. The photo here was taken at Normis Beachfront Resort in Bauang, La Union.

Yours Truly as cover of Sports Today magazine. So far, this is the photo I like most. this was taken while we're "boating" at San Fabian, Pangasinan. We stayed at Sierra Vista Resort

Me as cover of Outdoors Magazine. Did you know that I don't like wearing sunglasses? Well, if you don't, now you know! This photo was taken at the beach near Villa Navarro Beach Resort in La Union.

It's Christmas! This photo was taken during our Christmas Party at Baguio Country Club. This magazine is called Holiday Joy.

Vague instead of Vogue. Haha! This photo was taken at Good Taste Restaurant here in Baguio City during the QA Team Building back in March. Photo was taken at the stairway.

Hot! I think I look hot here? This photo was taken at the semi-olympic pool size at Normis Beachfront Resort in San Juan, La Union. Photo taken during Team Joanne's reunion (and after Annie's wedding) back in January of this year.

So how about you? How do you cope with boredom? How to you handle boredom?

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