Nik Wallenda Walks on Wire Across Niagara Falls - Wandering Pinoy

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nik Wallenda Walks on Wire Across Niagara Falls

Nik Wallenda became the first person to walk on wire across Niagara Falls! An estimated crowd of 125,000 people on the Canadian side and 4,000 on the American side watched Wallenda’s stunt. Wallenda is a showman and he currently holds several Guinness World records.

As of this writing, #WalkTheWire is trending on Twitter worldwide. Danille Rizzo, for example, tweeted, "Totally wowed by @NikWallenda and his 1800 foot #walkthewire over Niagara Falls." Someone even managed to joke "I wonder if @NikWallenda carried a passport with him." (Photo credit here.)

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