My Christmas Wishlist 2012 - Wandering Pinoy


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Friday, November 16, 2012


My Christmas Wishlist 2012

When I was five or six years old, I thought that "Christmas wishlist" is only for kids, and not for "old" people like my parents and lolo and lola. But now that I'm "old", I couldn't help but ponder why I came up with such mindset. My parents never told me that "Christmas wishlist" is only for "young people" so, until now, I'm a bit puzzled why I came up with such "kiddie" idea. Hmmm! Anyway, here's my Christmas Wishlist 2012:

1. A healthy mind and a healthy body. (Well, this reminds me of Century Tuna TVC...haha.) I still believe that health is wealth so moving forward I'll make sure that I'll cook for myself. This means less time at fast-food chains.
2. A brand new Canon DSLR! Still this is part of my Christmas wishlist 2012 although I already planned to get one last week of February or first week of March next year. Perfect for my "travel around the Philippines" plan next year.

3. World Peace! Yes, we need world peace!

4. Promotion at work? Is it time to "step-up?" I love being a Quality Analyst. I have to think about this real "deep." If ever I'll apply, I'll apply as Front Line Manager. I'm not "destined" to become a Learning Specialist and I've already accepted this fact. Lol!

5. Lovelife? Ummm...can I not comment? Lol!

6. Visit Bicol January of next year. It's gonna be my dad's birthday and I have a surprise for him - and this is the first time I'm gonna do it. My dad and I were never "close" which is why I grew up "mama's boy. Gotta visit my lolo and lola as well. I miss them too. My grandparents love me so much. :)

7. UP? Yes, I need to go back to UP, preferably June of next year. I miss "the UP life."

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