Nuffnang PH Country Manager Confirms Data Theft - Wandering Pinoy

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nuffnang PH Country Manager Confirms Data Theft

Nuffnang Philippines Country Manager Abe Olandres confirmed that its database has been "compromised." In his email to Nuffnang Philippines members, Mr. Olandres pointed out that its "database has been compromised and some account information has been illegally retrieved." Here's his full email notification addressed to Nuffnangers:
"It has come to our attention that our database has been compromised and some information about your account has been illegally retrieved. Our servers are centralized in Malaysia, including our R&D which is also based there. We have requested them to thoroughly investigate this incident, and after doing a security sweep, have made additional necessary precautions to prevent this from happening in the future.

"The copied information included names, emails, and URLs. This is the reason why some of you might have received spam email in the recent week. While the spam emails did not originate from our servers, we detected that at least one (1) email was sent out to that list.

"While your account passwords are encrypted, it would be more prudent that we request you to change your NN passwords especially if this password is also shared with other 3rd-party accounts. Rest assured that we are working hard and coordinating with our Malaysian HQ to further strengthen security so that incidents like these are avoided in the future..."

I've been using the same password on Nuffnang for some years now but i have no choice but to change it. And I just did while writing this. See related reports here.

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