Puerto Princesa Underground River is New7Wonders of Nature - Wandering Pinoy

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Puerto Princesa Underground River is New7Wonders of Nature

We have another reason why it's more fun in the Philippines! Bernard Weber, founder-president of New7Wonders, confirmed that Puerto Princesa Underground River in Palawan is now one of the official New7Wonders of Nature. In his announcement in Manila, Weber said: "When your very own President Aquino came out in support of the PPUR campaign, I knew that this country was taking the New7Wonders of Nature seriously. Fans of PPUR all over the world responded to his call for action by voting in record numbers and today’s confirmation is the well-earned reward for this extraordinary display of enthusiasm.”

“This confirmation is wonderful news for Puerto Princesa, and a great example of how now its more fun to be in the Philippines,” said Mayor Hagedorn. “World-wide exposure of our natural beauty on this level is critical both for tourism and for our image nationally and internationally.”

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